Learn more about the data and systems that drive the reports you need for optimal results. Experian has served the commercial credit industry for over 40 years and maintains the world's largest business database as well. We invite you to explore how our data assets are leveraged into the most reliable credit report products and services in the industry.

Small Business Advantage

Statistics show that extending credit to small business can be a risky proposition, since many of these businesses have minimal commercial credit history at best. Recent studies from Experian prove that leveraging information on a business entity with the owners' personal credit performance is far more predictive than commercial data alone.

Recent Surveys and Studies

Value Proposition

We get it…everyone needs to stretch their dollars nowadays, and there's no exemption for credit report services. Whatever your budget is, we will find a way to work with you. You'll love our service too !


First impressions last a lifetime! Improve your customer experience through this new mobile app that enables your sales force to collaborate with the credit department in real time
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Latest News and Events:

Introducing Experian International Alert Service
Experian’s coverage of credit information on businesses outside the US just took a big leap forward. Introducing Experian International Alert Service – available through BusinessIQSM and Applicable Programming Interface (API) web services. Experian® now offers 25 unique alerts covering eight countries in Western Europe, with additional countries coming soon. These international alerts enable you to stay up to date on changes in ownership, business name and address, credit limit, balance sheet information, company status and much more. With proactive notifications, you can act quickly and mitigate risk, collect on overdue amounts and retain your best customers.
Introducing Experian’s new Supplier Profile Report
Your suppliers are integral to how your business meets demand. A few bad one’s with no back-up can break the supply chain, causing delays, frustration, and send your hard earned customers right out the door with no guaranteed return visit. Be in the know with Experian’s brand new Supplier Profile Report to understand your company’s risk exposure, and how to build better supplier relationships.  More>>
The gap between credit and sales just got smaller
BusinessIQ Mobile enables your sales force and credit department to work together seamlessly in real time! Experian's new mobile app empowers salespeople in the field to quickly assess potential prospects that meet your company's credit requirements. No need to guess if the prospect qualifies, or waste time on companies that have low approval rates.  More>>
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